Tree Support System Installation in Calgary: Cabling and Bolting
Do you have a tree with a split trunk or a weak limb? When trees grow in a manner where the physical structure can no longer support their weight, they require some support. The expert ISA-certified arborists at Sullivan Tree Service Ltd in Calgary can provide tree support system installation services including cabling and/or bolting your tree.
A cable is installed within a tree between its branches to limit any movement as well as provide supplemental support. These methods can help preserve tree structure.
When we install tree support systems, we try to incorporate the following ideas:
Prevention – Reducing the chance of failure of a healthy tree with structural weakness
Restoration – Prolonging the life of a damaged tree (for example, trees that have lost a main branch)
Mitigation – Reduction of the hazard potential of a tree
We can generally perform our services at any time of the year.
Do you need to meet with an Arborist to discuss your specific needs or concerns? We offer a consultation service too.